I did my first halfmoon manicure - without using stickers, I didn't have them. I made this manicure in white and nude polish, using regular nailpolish brushes and a small makeup brush. Do you like it?
Napravila sam svoju prvu halfmoon manikuru. Nisam koristila naljepnice jer ih nisam imala. Koristila sam nude i bijeli lak, kistiće od lakova i jedan makeup tanki kist. Na kraju premazala prozirnim lakom i to je to! :)

Preview of tonight's outfit post!
My bf arrived the other day and yesterday evening we went and had drinks with some friends. I wore Solilor skirt and these lovely bracelets by Brinkle and Ella Dolce. See the whole outfit on blog tonight - stay tuned! :)
Mali preview večerašnjeg outfit posta!
Dečko je stigao u Zg pa smo sinoć otišli na cugu s frendovima.
Nosila sam Solilor suknju i ove narukvice iz Brinkle i Ella Dolce shopova.
Cijeli outfit večeras na blogu - stay tuned! :)
Vauuu!! Super si napravila ovu manikuru!! Kad bih barem ja bila tako nadarena, nokti bi mi uvijek bili tip top :)
Odlicno su ispali nokti, svidja mi se kombinacija boja! :)
amazing nails :)
Sviđa mi se kako su ti ispali nokti!
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