Friday 30 October 2020

Moodboard / Living room

Budući da se moj instagram lagano pretvara u interior profil, bilo bi vrijeme da se vratim i na blog i započnem seriju postova sa moodboardovima za uređenje novog stana, što planiram otkako sam se uselila, a i jer je lakše ovdje staviti linkove i kompilacije fotografija namještaja i dodataka. U nadolazećim postovima pisat ću i o procesu kupnje stana, renovaciji i drugim temama vezanima za interijere i DIY, a do tada evo prvi post o dnevnom boravku.

Dnevna soba je spojena s kuhinjom (koju ste vjerojatno već vidjeli na instagramu) koja je crna s bijelim šankom, i je veoma je svijetla kao i pod, pa bih željela stvoriti kontrast namještajem i dodacima. Jedan zid bih pofarbala, ali još ne znam u koju boju, no naginjem prema sivoj ili sivozelenoj boji. Već neko vrijeme obožavam zelenu (ali samo određene nijanse jer sam jako specifična u vezi nijansi boja :D) pa sam zamislila zelenu kao akcentnu boju. Lijepo ide s crnom, sivom i ostalim neutralnim bojama. Za tepih bih željela nešto mekano i teksturirano jer volim sjediti na podu, a i jer volim taj topli, mekani ugođaj prostora. Stražni zid iza mjesta predviđenog za trosjed je veoma visok tako da bih taj zid pofarbala u akcentnu boju i postavila police pri vrhu zida na koje bih stavila viseće biljke te, ispod polica, slike. 

Pratite me i dalje za još postova i before and after fotki mojeg malog stana!

Linkovi artikala: 

S mojim linkom za registraciju na dobijete 40 kn off s prve narudžbe!*



*nije sponzorirano 

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Friday 25 October 2019


all outfits: Roses Designer Outlet

I don't want this unusually warm autum to end! 
I went to Roses a couple of weeks ago and made these outfits from their stores.  Which one do you like the most? 
You can head over HERE to see details of these outfits!



*powered by Roses Fashion Outlet 

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Sunday 28 April 2019


(check out brands and prices on the link)

And here are the last two looks I created in Roses stores. This slip dress look is maybe my favourite, I really liked how it made me look really tall and I love the color blocking detail. I paired it with some minimalistic black block heels and a small bag. 

The other look is more a daytime look, very comfy but so "in your face"! :) I love jumpsuits because they're so easy to wear and you just have to pay attention to your accessories. I paired this screaming red jumpsuit with a more toned down red flats and a contrast blue bag with interesting details.

 How do you like these two looks? Do you have a favourite among these four looks (see the first two looks in the post before this one)? 



powered by Roses Designer Outlet
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Friday 19 April 2019


outfits from Roses Designer Outlet
see all items and prices on the link

Hey guys! Another spring in Roses is here and here are the first two (out of four) outfits I created from the Roses Outlet stores.
I love doping this mini editorials because I get to play a bit more with fashion and try out some really special combinations. 
I especially love the first outfit - I love the way materials and colors got together! 

Which one of these two you like more? 

Check out my blog soon for other two outfits! 


powered by Roses Designer Outlet 
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Tuesday 2 April 2019


outfit: S.Oliver

Went on a roadtrip with my friend Ado and made some amazing photos in beautiful Opatija, which I've never visited until that weekend. I was amazed at how beautiful this town is. At every corner there is amazing classical (and so colorful!) architecture. 

I am wearing a S.Oliver outfit and soon I'll be showing you some new pieces from different S.Oliver collections - which I can't wait to show you since the new collections are exactly up my alley, especially the Retro Denim collection which is being released tomorrow! You can check all the new clothes on their website.



powered by S.Oliver

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