Saturday 26 March 2011

Make me a tragic canvas

Bawk! :)

Petak, dan za chillanje, outfit za pivu s best frendom ♥♥♥
Danas i sutra odmaram, i onda od ponedjeljka do srijede opet dupla smjena.
Bliži se i Cro a porter, veselim se, pogotovo jer ću s ovim fotićem moći napraviti bolje fotke :)) ♥

torba je bio onaj bijeli klač :)
suknja i šal // terranova
top i jakna // bershka
tajice // tezenis
wedges // deichmann

Uživajte u ostatku vikenda :) ♥

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Friday 25 March 2011


Hi pplz!
Napokon sam se naspavala kao čovjek :)) Danas mi je day off. I trebalo mi je to nakon što sam cijeli tjedan spavala po 4-5 sati, radila i još mi je uletio jedan poslić, prijevod teksta, tako da sam ko zombi bila zadnjih dana. :D
Trebala bih se sad ic spremati za kavu, ali evo brzinski post s outfitom od jučer. Bilo je jako toplo. Oboyavam proljeće. Balerinke su se ispostavile jako lošom obućom za provest cijeli dan u njima, pogotovo ove topshopove koje su tanke kao papir. :( Imate kakve prijedloge balerinki koje su udobne? Imam zarine, topshop, asos i shoebox i u svima me bole noge ako provedem dulje vrijeme u njima :(
Uglavnom, slikice su ocajne, s timerom još trenutno ne mogu raditi, ali bit će i to. Svjetlo je očajno navečer i nabrzinu slikam jer se samo želim baciti na hranu i u krevet, pa nemojte se ljutit ^__^

I ova jakna mi je novi najdraži odjevni predmet <3333

jakna, haljina-tunika, remen // bershka
balerinke // topshop

Uživajte u današnjem divnom danu!



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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Lovely room

Evo brzinski post s dva outfita, došla sam s duple smjene i idem odmah u krevet jer sam strgana, a sutra opet radim duplu :D

Ova je svijetla kombinacija. Krzneni klač me oduševio i još sam ga na sniženju našla. I sve stane unutra :)) Traperice su mi postale velike, ali skoro će na sužavanje :)

traperice, kaput, kardi // bershka
majica, šal // h&m
klač // stradivarius

Ovo je jutros bilo nabacano u 5 minuta al mi se svidio efekt.

haljina, majica, kardi // bershka
čizme // new yorker

Isprike na pomalo mutnim fotkama, fotić je jako težak i još mi se ruke tresu od previše kava i rada :D plus sve je fotkano navečer pa ni svjetlo naravno nije najbolje, ali eto.. :)
I zanemarite moje žmirkanje haha :D


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Sunday 20 March 2011


Hi everyone.
Vraćam se nakon dugo nepostanja s picture overload postom.
Bilo je nekih izlazaka, rođendan najboljeg frenda, puno kava, puno ljudi i najviše od svega, puno posla.
Jedan od razloga što nisam postala je i to što sam se bila razboljela, od stresa, posla i svačeg nečeg. Bijah kolabirala i završila u krevetu na nekoliko dana s vrlo visokom temperaturom, ali bitno je da sam sada okej. :)
Radim dva posla, jedan ujutro i drugi popodne (doduše drugi ne radim svaki dan, a i ne bih ni smjela zbog zdravlja), imala sam manjak sna, hrane, tankanje previše kave u sebe itd :D
Da ne duljim, dslr fotić je napokon u funkciji, nabavila sam sve što mi je trebalo za njega i sada fotkam svaki dan, jedva se odvajam od njega =)
Još uvijek nisam napravila mjesto u sobi s kojim bih se fotkala timerom, ali i to ću s napraviti, samo trebam naći vremena :)

Moj najbolji prijatelj i ja, njegov rođendan :) Nemam sliku cijelog outfita, zamislite uske crne skinice i crne wedgesice dolje :D

majica // bershka

Izlazak s frendicom:
dolje su ravne crne čizme preko koljena :)

majica i suknja // bershka

i jednostavan crni outfit za tmuran kišni dan i kavu:

hlače // new yorker
jakna, majica // bershka

Te sam danas uspjela uhvatiti dugo željeni klač:

klač //

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Wednesday 2 March 2011

Push the envelope.

Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me.
lets me see.
As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
drawn beyond the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must
Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines.

Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me.
lets me see there is so much more
and beckons me to look through to these infinite possibilities.
As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.
Withering my intuition leaving all these opportunities behind.

Feed my will to feel this moment urging me to cross the line.
Reaching out to embrace the random.
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come.

I embrace my desire to
feel the rhythm, to feel connected
enough to step aside and weep like a widow
to feel inspired, to fathom the power,
to witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain,
to swing on the spiral
of our divinity and still be a human.

With my feet upon the ground I lose myself
between the sounds and open wide to suck it in,
I feel it move across my skin.
I'm reaching up and reaching out,
I'm reaching for the random or what ever will bewilder me.
And following our will and wind we may just go where no one's been.
We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been.

Spiral out. Keep going, going...

I don't have a need to explain myself.
And if I do even try to, it wouldn't end well.
So, there no point, actually.
This is my space.
I will write what I want.
I do this for myself.
Don't come.
You know who you are.
I don't need you.
I don't need a hit more.
I don't need a comment more.
I don't need praise.
Think what you want.
It's everyone's right.
Think for yourself.
Question everything.
Don't believe everything you read.

On the other hand, my friends.
You are what counts.

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Crucify the ego

I have come curiously close to the end, down
Beneath my self-indulgent pitiful hole,
Defeated, I concede and
Move closer
I may find comfort here
I may find peace within the emptiness
How pitiful

It's calling me...

And in my darkest moment, fetal and weeping
The moon tells me a secret - my confidant
As full and bright as I am
This light is not my own and
A million light reflections pass over me

Its source is bright and endless
She resuscitates the hopeless
Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting

And as I pull my head out I am without one doubt
Don't wanna be down here feeding my narcissism.
I must crucify the ego before it's far too late
I pray the light lifts me out
Before I pine away.

So crucify the ego, before it's far too late
To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical,
And you will come to find that we are all one mind
Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable.
Just let the light touch you
And let the words spill through
And let them pass right through
Bringing out our hope and reason ...
before we pine away.

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