I'm in sucha a hectic time right now, I have my final exams next week. So sorry for not being able to post as much. I can't wait for it to be over so I can post daily again. :)
I wore this last week. I'm obsessed with skirt+top combo. I can't remember when I wore pants last. Maybe I'll surprise you with one skirtless outfit, but, next two outfits I have prepared for you are again with skirts. :)
Odlično iskombinirano :)
kad će post sa suknjom s printom konjića? :D
To spremamo Ljupka i ja poseban shoot, uskoro će biti na blogu! :)
heej, predivna si, obozavam ovu plavu boju :)
jel bi mi mogla reci u kojem ducanu ima za kupit ona zuta catrice maskara? trazim ju vec dugo .. x
Mislim da misliš na onu žutu Look by Bipa maskaru:) U Bipi ;)
Beautiful girl~~I like your style
You're as gorgeous as usual. Love this uber chic look. Such clean lines, and such an easy casual look to wear.
Good luck on your finals!!
Lovely outfit, your t-shirt is awesome! Xx
Kako je lijepo ovo mjesto iza tebe :D
Ova plava mi je najdraža od svih nijansi plave :P
Super :)
Preljepa :)
Balerinke su odlične ;)
dobro ti stoji ovakva plava :D
love this outfit!
I want to invite you to my GIVEAWAY!
Win a $100 Persun gift card or free clothes on my blog:
From province
Divna! ;)
Super fotke!
Hello Ana,
I'm taking the freedom of leaving you a comment because I'm currently working on a fashion-related dissertation for my MSc. I'm doing a survey about the perception of young women towards today's fashion luxury brands, and if you, or any of your lovely reader, could take 5 mins and complete it, it would be of much much help :)
Here the link of my survey: https://fr.surveymonkey.com/s/2WNTNCY
Thank you very much!
Lou ♥
Ps: Love the Avant-garde tee shirt!
stvarno mi je sve super, al mi se ne da svaki dan komentirat, sorry :P
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