Monday 6 April 2015



Sheinside coat (on sale!)
Frontrowshop pants
Lindex sweater
Sneakers via Šaptač Cipelama
Parfois bag

 Hope you had a nice holiday weekend! :)

Sorry for the picture overload, but my unofficial designated photographer/bestie Marina and I had so much fun taking these pics and took a lot of them and a lot of them turned out great. 

We shot this last sunday, day was so sunny, we went to the flower market and then grabbed coffee and lunch. I love love love this weather and the state of mind I'm in right now. No matter the fact that I'm not smiling/laughing on my pics most of the time, I am smiling inside and out constantly off camera, haha! ;) 

Enjoy the day babes and be happy! :)




Anonymous said...

meni osobno jedan od najboljih tvojih postova, od odjece do fotografije.
Samo tako dalje 10/10 :)

the creation of beauty is art. said...

How beautiful! I absolutely love the pants. Such a great spring look.

Anonymous said...

odlična ti je torba!

oš pls napisat samo u nekom postu kak ti se sviđaju/čine one sportske patike iz new yorkera, jel valjaju? tnx:)

Psychocouture said...

@anon: super udobne su, evo nosim ih već par dana za redom, super su za hodanje :)