Saturday 21 January 2012

2012. wanted // Shoes!

Okay, you know when you imagine/find online that perfect pair of boots/shoes and you just can't find them in your local stores OR they cost too much? :(

Yeah, happens every time.

But this year, I'm gonna find me some of these. I just have to. :D

A pair of black and beige ankle boots with a block small heel, a pair of black wedges and one sandals with chunky heels (like those Prada ones *drool*).

Litas (or Lita knockoffs) are on the wanted list too.

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Topshop, Zara


Sara - HangoverCHIC said...

lite su mi malo isfurane ali ove otvorene nisu lose..bila sam dns u topshopu i imaju zakon ove kaubojke..i tebi vise pase taj đir :)

marcela said...

ima lijepih

Mihaela said...

ove prveeeeeeeee <3

Nevena said...

Prve sandale <3

ginger said...

1 red treće i drugi red prve :) navijam!

Gypsy Gardens said...

ajme meni. shoe heaven. daj i ja bih. e. <3

fashionmagnolia said...

prve sandale, divne..nasla sam slicne, pa sam kupila asos..
lita su na listi, ove godine sam resila da ih kupim, da casti sebe sto sam postala mama..ako ne njih onda acne pistol boots...dobro cu da razmislim!!!

Un coup d'aile said...

naisla sam bila na netu na jednu curu iz kine ili japana koja je imala oooooogromnu kolekciju lita cipela... sve moguce. imala sam i link, ali sam ga poslala ljupki....

meni osobno se svidjaju ove crne cowgirl u trecem redu

Unknown said...

hi love :)

Laura Dittrich (Fashion Landscape) said...

Love love ALL the shoes you selected. Great style and great blog! Wanna follow each other? x

Unknown said...

Hello there sweetie! Thanks for the lovely comment over my blog, and also for following me, it means a lot to me!
I'm following you now 2! If you want to check me on your followers list I'll be in the end because my profile picture doesn't appear! I'm following you with Bloglovin 2!
You can come and visit my cooking blog 2 and If you like it you can follow me, but I can't follow you twice because I have both blogs with the same add!
Awesome shoes, I'm into Lita's in he moment!
Hope to hear again from you!

Hope you're having a great evening!

My cooking blog, support me:

xoxo Kiki

Omerta said...

prekrasne su mi ove treće u prvom redu :cerek:

Fashion Dubrovnik said...

Ja sanjam ove iz Topshopa, ali sam u trgovini našla samo broj 41 koje su mi bile fakat prevelike :(

Gear said...

aaaa na zadnjoj slici u prvom redu drugeeee aaaaaa, TS jel da? i u drugom redu drugeeee aaaaaa. Nisam to trebala vidjeti <3<3<3